Workshop vine stock decoration (France)

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New: the centerpiece made from vegetated vine!

There’s something new at Vieille Branche, with the creation of the centerpiece in vegetated vine. Following a request from a catering professional, we started decorating our vines with plants. The idea is to breathe new life into recycled wood by fixing succulents directly into the crevices of the vine. Tillandsia, a perennial plant from America, has no roots and requires little maintenance. An ornamental plant, it often produces flowers in spring and summer. It is therefore the ideal plant to dress up wood sustainably. Discover Pinterest: a source of inspiration for wood-based decoration. When to use a vegetated vine decoration? For example, personalize your wedding tables around the vine or simply wood. Either raw or vegetated, the vine, about thirty centimeters maximum, can be decorated with ribbons in the color of the bride and groom. This allows you to identify the tables, groups or families. Another example of use: greening reception areas or workplaces. Interior landscaping brings nature into the company. On a desk, in a meeting room or on the reception counter, a decorative vine stock dressed with Tillandsias will make its little effect! Finally, at home, mix wood and plants to bring life to a room. In the kitchen, in a living room or in an entrance hall, place a large vine stock with plants. Customize an order of vines? If you have not found the ideal vine, we invite you to place an order for the creation of personalized decorative vine stocks. To do this, you must specify: the size (e.g.: 30cm high with a minimum of 10cm height excluding the base) the shape (end of branch, trunk or random cut) the quantity the color of the base (natural, varnish, paint of your choice) the material of the base (raw wood, medium, steel) the delivery date the type of transport (knowing that delivery cannot be made by Relais Colis) Place an order on our contact form or contact us directly by Chat, phone or email.

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